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SEO & analytics

To help potential customers land on your website through Google search, you’ll need search engine optimisation (SEO).  This involves key word research, key word mapping and key word inclusion for all the pages identified as valuable for SEO. There are other elements to SEO too, including page structure, URLs and cross-linking between pages.

If your business is operating in a highly competitive sector, it can be challenging to get your site onto page one of organic search results. If this is the case, Google Ads (formerly AdWords) can get you to the front of the pack. We have a Google Ads partner who can help to shape an effective campaign.

Seeing how your website is performing is crucial for ongoing SEO success. We use Google Analytics to monitor results and provide data that helps to improve website performance.

Contact us about SEO key word research, key word mapping, writing meta data and other aspects of search engine optimisation for a website.


Wandering Stars is an Auckland based web design and internet marketing company ready to help you explore the multiverse of digital communications

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